Book Review: The Narrow Trail: A Wanderer’s Guide to Finding Jesus

Today, “The Narrow Trail: A Wander’s Guide to Finding Jesus”, releases – a profoundly timely book for many reasons. With the resurgence of a focus on “faith deconstruction” and people leaving the church for good and not-so-good reasons, what seems like rampant brokenness within evangelicalism and the continual polarization of the culture, “The Narrow Trail” meets us at the right time.

We at Am I Called pray this book will be used mightily by God to strip away the frass and get into the hands of those who have wandered from the church, or are considering whether they should wander, so they may be lovingly confronted with the true Jesus.

Written with deep pastoral considerations, “The Narrow Trail” is the book for such a time as this. With no concern paid to grandstanding, hyper-intellectual language, or putting on a show to win accolades from the elites, “The Narrow Trail” is for real people with real struggles in their faith. This book won’t leave you feeling judged but met in your struggles and, like a good guide, compassionately led to see who Jesus really is, what the church can be, and what a relationship with Christ should be without all the extra biblical expectations.

This book has extra weight because our friend Chuck Ryor, its author, is no longer with us. Chuck passed away in April this year. Chuck was a pastor through-and-through, with a sharp intellect and always ready with a joke. This is the book Chuck felt burdened to write and his heart is on its pages.

Please pick up a copy, read it yourself, and then gift it to someone you know who is struggling in their faith. Write them a prayer in the front cover and trust the Lord to work in the ways only he can.

Purchase Here

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