Collin Hansen on “15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me”

15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me

Today, Dave is joined by Collin Hansen. Collin is an author, the Editorial Director at The Gospel Coalition, and he is an old friend of the AIC Podcast!

While many of us have had the privilege of attending seminary, we also had a steep learning curve upon leaving seminary and entering into vocational ministry. There was much that seminary didn’t prepare us for!

To discuss that very issue, Dave and Collin talk about the new book that he edited alongside Jeff Robinson, “15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me.” They talk about the history that led to writing the book as well as why they felt the need publish it. They also broached the subject of how applications of complementarianism can influence seminaries towards a more narrow field of options for theological education for women.

This is surely an episode that many of you will be able to personally relate to and we hope that it brings encouragement to your soul.

For more information on the book, CLICK HERE.

To enter for a chance to win a free copy, CLICK HERE.

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