EOY Donation Request

Dear Am I Called reader,

As the end of the year approaches, I ask you to consider financially partnering with and supporting the work of Am I Called Ministries.

The leaders of AIC, of which I am one, are passionate about the local church, quite simply, because the Church is God’s chosen means to bring hope to the entire world. Because of this, we want to see it strengthened by supporting those who lead it.

Currently, we provide new articles on a weekly basis, an assessment for aspiring ministry leaders, and develop encouraging graphics-based content for the Church. We get hundreds of visitors just like you to the site weekly and have seen significant growth in site traffic since we relaunched the site with a new design this summer.

It is our hope that in 2020, AIC would develop more original and new content through:

  • Continued regular blog posts that explore living, loving, learning, and lasting through specific challenging ministry situations
  • A podcast that engages with the pastoral epistles from the perspectives of an older and younger pastor
  • Book reviews, specifically with ministry leaders in mind


Ultimately, it is our hope that amicalled.com would become the place where ministry leaders instinctively come to for help as they face challenging situations in their ministries.

Like with anything, AIC has operational expenses to continue our mission of helping leaders live, love, learn, and last in ministry. Currently, AIC runs on an extremely lean and simple budget of $350 per month. It is our hope that any investment by you would return a hundredfold in strong and healthy leaders invested in strong and healthy churches.

I invite you to continue to support our work by making a tax-deductible donation to:

Am I Called Ministries
4700 San Mateo Blvd
Albuquerque, NM, 87109

or by visiting:


From all of us at Am I Called,

Thank you for your support

Ryan Williams,

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