
Dear Am I Called Reader,

As the end of the year approaches, I’m asking you to consider financially partnering with and supporting the work of Am I Called Ministries.

As the director of Am I Called, I have seen the Lord use our ministry over the last year to reach literally tens of thousands of current and aspiring ministry leaders by encouraging and equipping them for the marathon that is the call to ministry work.

We launched the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor podcast in February to help younger and older pastors shape their ministry around Scripture. In the podcast we:

  • Walked through the pastoral epistles
  • Released special episodes to help pastors walk through times of crisis
  • Discussed lessons learned from the collapse of Mars Hill Church with key leaders in that organization
  • Talked about pastor mental health and suicide
  • Conducted interviews with long time pastors about lasting in ministry and younger pastors about their call to ministry

Since February we released over 50 episodes, had over 11,500 unique downloads, and have a five-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

During the COVID-19 shutdown, we released a series of articles on pastoring during COVID which received, on average, over 480 views each. I like to think that each of those views was a ministry leader who left our website more encouraged and supported in the challenge of their own pastorate or area of ministry responsibility.

Over 4,000 people used our online assessment tool to help them in their journey of discernment about what a call to ministry might be for them.

I, along with the other leaders and contributors to Am I Called believe that the Lord is using our ministry to strengthen local churches by serving their pastors. It’s our passion to see local churches strengthened and built up.

As with anything, Am I Called has operational expenses that need to be covered to continue our mission of helping ministry leaders, live, love, learn, and last in ministry. Right now, Am I Called runs on an extremely lean and simple budget of $350 per month and it is our hope that your investment, regardless of size, would return one hundredfold in strong and healthy leaders invested in strong and healthy churches.

In 2021 we simply hope to simply see our reach and our impact grow by reaching more ministry leaders, developing quality content that serves them, by hearing from a variety of seasoned and wise voices.

I invite you to support our work by making a tax-deductible donation to:

Am I Called
4700 San Mateo Blvd
Albuquerque, NM, 87109

Or by visiting:


Thank you,

Ryan Williams

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