Missional Living & Pastoral Calling–An Interview With Pete Greasley

In the latest episode of the Am I Called podcast, Dave interviewed his friend, Pete Greasley. Pete Greasley has led Christchurch since it started in 1995. He hails from Cardiff where he met his wife Jenny. He now lives in Newport and is father to three grown up children.

In this episode, Dave and Pete discuss:

  • Pete’s interesting strategy for raising funds in the early days of his church.
  • How to create a missional culture in a church.
  • How Pete’s sense of being called to ministry was very different than many men’s sense of being called to ministry.
  • And other subjects…

If you use iTunes, you can subscribe to the podcast.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can listen to the interview using the player below.

If you Liked this episode, check out Episode 39

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