Episode 202: Celebrating Milestones
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss celebrating milestones.
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On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss celebrating milestones.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss rebuilding the pipeline of future pastors and leaders.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan look back over the last several years of the podcast in celebration of the 200th episode.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss suicide prevention with Desiree Woodland. Show Notes: Desiree will send out copies of Tender Leaves of Hope for helping someone through
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss how to prepare for Sabbatical.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss hills to die on.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss integrationist counseling.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan discuss welcoming new attenders.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan dicuss the topic of counseling.
On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan continue their discussion on planting a multi ethnic church.
AIC exists to help both current and aspiring pastors, ministers, and leaders to live, love, learn and last in ministry.