Top 10 for 2020

Dear Am I Called Readers,

What a year 2020 has been! Here at Am I Called? this year we saw over 20,000 unique visitors to the site and close to 5,000 of you took the Am I Called assessment as you were investigating your own call to ministry.

If you think about the impact of the audience of Am I Called these really are remarkable figures.

Our mission is to ‘Help current and aspiring ministry leaders to live, love, learn, and last in ministry’. If even half of our visitors were current or aspiring ministry leaders of local churches then, in 2020, we have been able to impact thousands of local churches all over the world by encouraging and strengthening their leaders. If you are a leader of a local church then we pray that you were built up by reading the content that Am I Called has produced this year.

Below are our top 10 most read and accessed pieces of content that we released this year.

Thank you for your support of Am I Called, we hope to continue to help you in your ministry into 2021.


Self-Righteousness During COVID-19

Book Review: “Hearers and Doers” by Kevin Vanhoozer

Pastor, Beware of Narcissism & Elitism

Your Bible is a Sword, Not a Shank

Pastoring Well in Your Life Stage

For the Ministry Wife: When Ministry Impacts Family Time

The Return: Pastoring During COVID

Pastoring People Away from Evangelical Gnosticism

25 Years in Ministry: How I Made it this Far – Resting in God’s Faithfulness

25 Years in Ministry: How I Made it this Far – Resting in God’s Faithfulness

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