Top OP/YP Episodes of 2022

Happy New Year friends,

As we approach the end of 2022 here are the top 5 most popular Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast episodes over this year.

5. The Normal Pastor Life (Part 2)
4. Letting People in Your Church Down
3. Masculinity and Ministry
2. The Normal Pastor Life (Part 1)
1. Reflecting on the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill (Dave’s Thoughts)

From Dave and I, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support! We pray that you have been blessed by the show and will continue to be in 2023.


Episode 90: The Normal Pastor Life (Pt. 2)

Episode 88: Letting People In Your Church Down

Episode 92: Masculinity & Ministry

Episode 89: The Normal Pastor Life (Pt. 1)

Episode 91: Reflecting on the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill – Dave’s Thoughts

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