Our Top Ten for 2019

Dear Readers,

2019 was an amazing year for Am I Called. In July we relaunched the site with a vision to serve current and aspiring ministry leaders to help them live, love, learn, and last in ministry.

Since that time we’ve seen thousands of you seek to be edified and to grow in your abilities and aspirations to serve the local church.

Here are our top ten most-read articles for 2019:

    1. How to Become a Pastor
    2. You Can’t Get into Ministry By Trying to Get into Ministry
    3. Help! My Husband Might be Called to Ministry
    4. Pastoral Training in the Local Church
    5. 3 Things I Know About Ministry Know that I’m Not In Ministry
    6. How to Choose A Godly Wife (Pt. 1)
    7. Ministry Success: When Saving Jesus Becomes a Means to Your End
    8. Spurgeon Speaks: The Priority of Confirming Your Call
    9. How to Decide to Join a Church Planting Launch Team
    10. The Pastor’s Work Week


Stay tuned to Am I Called in 2020 as we continue to develop and provide content that will help you live, love, learn and last in ministry!

In Christ,

Ryan Williams
Executive Director – Am I Called

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